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Hassle-Free way to Clear Airport Security

By Gabrielle Giuffrida

The worst part of traveling for anyone is waiting on the security lines. Clearing airport security isn't as easy as it used to be. Increased security means long lines and sometimes and unbearable wait. These long lines at airports also leave no room for any passenger who may be running late. Everyone has seen that frantic passenger who missed their flight because they couldn't get through security in time. While the added security may be necessary the time it takes to get through the security point is becoming boarder line obnoxious especially in a large airport.

Besides the long waits the invasive procedures for security measures don't make the traveling experience any more exciting. Who wants to take off their jacket, shoes and belt? We are forbidden to bring certain items of a size and once packed our bags are subjected to X-rays and random search. Getting through airport security may be a pain but it may be worth it. Making sure a plane is safe is important and each passenger even pays a fee when they purchase their ticket that goes towards extra security. So maybe we all have to deal with the security but something should be done to make the experience go quicker.

The Transportation Security Administration has recently created a Precheck program for frequent flyers. This allows passengers who are members to have an expedited screening. There will be randomized security as well but this overall means that frequent flyers won't have to deal with all of the hassles. If you're a frequent flyer this is great news but what about everyone else? This new program doesn't help out families or someone who infrequently fly's. Luckily there is one way to combat the lines at airport.

Want to finally have an easy experience at the airport? Try CLEAR. Register for a CLEARcard online. It gets validated with your passport once you receive it. Simply bring the card when you travel to have access to CLEAR security lines. They are faster and hassle-free. The CLEARcard is also not restricted to frequent flyers. Everyone is eligible to register.

Getting through airport security doesn't have to be the hassle that it once was. No one wants to wait on a long line, look into things such as CLEAR. Even if your and infrequent traveler it shouldn't have to be a project to go through security. Save yourself the headache and make it an overall better travel experience.

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