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Showing posts with the label Hair

Strong Thick Hair

Every time combing his hair, often seen falling out of hair on the comb. It's actually a natural thing, because of the hair regeneration. But, if the hair is falling out a lot (more than 100 strands per day) can cause thinning hair and even baldness. Thin-looking hair is not attractive because of the dream of most people is to have thick hair, beautiful and strong. To you who experience thinning hair problems and want to increase the volume of hair, the following things can be done: Select the appropriate shampoo Shampoo plays an important role in shaping the beauty of hair. To help solve your hair is not thick should choose a shampoo that contains proteins that can increase the volume of hair. Use additional products for hair In order for hair to grow fast, you can help by providing extra vitamins or other products that can stimulate hair growth. Choose products that contain panthenol. Use rarely toothed comb Using a comb to straighten hair goal. As a result of various

Beautiful hair tips

Actually, to create and maintain your hair remain beautiful not need expensive care. There are some easy tips. In order for your hair to be beautiful, you can try some of these tips. Make a healthy lifestyle Healthy lifestyle includes not smoking, diligent exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods, also refreshing and relaxing to the mind does not become stressful. For food, you can consume foods that contain vitamins A, C, E, selenium because this substance is very good to keep hair healthy. Try to sleep enough and well every day If your sleep is interrupted, it can cause the blood circulation is not smooth. As a result hair is not getting enough nutrients and lead to dull hair. Therefore, do not bebani your mind with things that can disturb your sleep. Use hair care products suitable When using hair care products, note the composition of the product. Avoid products made from alcohol in high concentrations because the compound can damage the hair. When using these products,