"Bounty Wars" is a new show that will be premiering on the Discovery Channel, Sunday, July 8 at 10 PM ET/PT. This series features three California bounty teams hunting for bail jumpers. The bonus reward? A cool $10,000.00!
This should be a truly great show because the action is fast, with numerous detours and misfortunes, as well as surprising developments. Quick-thinking and quick action and unforeseen changes in luck speed the chase to its final surprising result.
The Teams
Team Aces get lost in an apartment maze, where there is danger around every corridor. But, it doesn't slow them down when it comes to getting "skips" off the street.
Team Midnight Runners don't always agree on how to follow the clues. But, that doesn't stop them from apprehending fugitives!
Team Santa Barbara is on a roll. It may look like they're having fun but don't be fooled ... they're all business when they knock in a door!
The Plot
Bail bond providers are in trouble when the accused skip court and make a run. To save their company as well as their reputation, they offer ridiculously large amounts of cash for hunting down the fugitives to recover their bond money.
These are real competitions, and the stakes and tension run high. Time is of the essence. The longer it takes, the less the chances of finding the fugitive.
Three bounty hunting teams from Bad Boys Bail Bonds are given five days to put a list of fugitives back in custody.
The searching teams are motivated, smart, and really tough. Each team member is as hungry for clues as a bloodhound following a scent. Meanwhile, the fugitives are doing their best to stay out of sight ... and they're also desperate and unpredictable.
The man-hunt begins Sunday, July 8 at 10PM ET/PT.
High Stakes
The more extreme the crime, the greater the flight risk. The rougher the chase, the sweeter the rewards. Bad Boys Bail Bonds president C. Jeffrey Stanley has actually assured the judicial system that the suspect will appear back in court, and he is ready to pay a $10,000 perk to produce the indicted with the greatest bond amount. He will be out of a lot of money if they don't show up.
The Bounty Hunters
Big men and gorgeous gals from assorted backgrounds turn up to recognize the mission. There's a former policeman, model, US Marine, and correctional officer; as well as a part-time schoolteacher, a qualified bodyguard, and many others. Each delivers their personal point of view, life skills, and exceptional techniques to the hunting.
The Bounty Searching Team Leaders
The groups are led by uncustomary team leaders -- Chris, Adrian, and Art. Each has their personal approach. Each method is even stranger than the other. Charismatic or overbearing, you figure it out.
The Fugitives
These run the gamut. Some have made poor choices. Others are hard-core criminals that have been here before.
Their crimes? Hit and run felonies, charges for concealed weapons, meth heads, hookers, forgery experts, identification fraud thieves , burglars, child abusers, wife beaters, and tear gas possessors -- and that's simply the first episode.
The Questions
Which group will generate the highest bounties? Which technique is successful, and which a total flop? Will the girls outmaneuver the guys on their team? Will the guys outsmart the women? Absolutely nothing is predictable; it's a surprising and stimulating chase to the end each week.
The Folks Who Put It Together
BOUNTY WARS is Executive Produced by Steve Michaels and Jonathan Koch for Asylum Entertainment. Executive Produced by Keri Selig, Sonia Slutsky; Developed and Produced by Logan Clarke and Allen Cardoza; and Executive Produced by Craig Coffman with Tara Hunter for Discovery Channel.
This should be a truly great show because the action is fast, with numerous detours and misfortunes, as well as surprising developments. Quick-thinking and quick action and unforeseen changes in luck speed the chase to its final surprising result.
The Teams
Team Aces get lost in an apartment maze, where there is danger around every corridor. But, it doesn't slow them down when it comes to getting "skips" off the street.
Team Midnight Runners don't always agree on how to follow the clues. But, that doesn't stop them from apprehending fugitives!
Team Santa Barbara is on a roll. It may look like they're having fun but don't be fooled ... they're all business when they knock in a door!
The Plot
Bail bond providers are in trouble when the accused skip court and make a run. To save their company as well as their reputation, they offer ridiculously large amounts of cash for hunting down the fugitives to recover their bond money.
These are real competitions, and the stakes and tension run high. Time is of the essence. The longer it takes, the less the chances of finding the fugitive.
Three bounty hunting teams from Bad Boys Bail Bonds are given five days to put a list of fugitives back in custody.
The searching teams are motivated, smart, and really tough. Each team member is as hungry for clues as a bloodhound following a scent. Meanwhile, the fugitives are doing their best to stay out of sight ... and they're also desperate and unpredictable.
The man-hunt begins Sunday, July 8 at 10PM ET/PT.
High Stakes
The more extreme the crime, the greater the flight risk. The rougher the chase, the sweeter the rewards. Bad Boys Bail Bonds president C. Jeffrey Stanley has actually assured the judicial system that the suspect will appear back in court, and he is ready to pay a $10,000 perk to produce the indicted with the greatest bond amount. He will be out of a lot of money if they don't show up.
The Bounty Hunters
Big men and gorgeous gals from assorted backgrounds turn up to recognize the mission. There's a former policeman, model, US Marine, and correctional officer; as well as a part-time schoolteacher, a qualified bodyguard, and many others. Each delivers their personal point of view, life skills, and exceptional techniques to the hunting.
The Bounty Searching Team Leaders
The groups are led by uncustomary team leaders -- Chris, Adrian, and Art. Each has their personal approach. Each method is even stranger than the other. Charismatic or overbearing, you figure it out.
The Fugitives
These run the gamut. Some have made poor choices. Others are hard-core criminals that have been here before.
Their crimes? Hit and run felonies, charges for concealed weapons, meth heads, hookers, forgery experts, identification fraud thieves , burglars, child abusers, wife beaters, and tear gas possessors -- and that's simply the first episode.
The Questions
Which group will generate the highest bounties? Which technique is successful, and which a total flop? Will the girls outmaneuver the guys on their team? Will the guys outsmart the women? Absolutely nothing is predictable; it's a surprising and stimulating chase to the end each week.
The Folks Who Put It Together
BOUNTY WARS is Executive Produced by Steve Michaels and Jonathan Koch for Asylum Entertainment. Executive Produced by Keri Selig, Sonia Slutsky; Developed and Produced by Logan Clarke and Allen Cardoza; and Executive Produced by Craig Coffman with Tara Hunter for Discovery Channel.
About the Author:
Discovery Channell creates the highest quality non-fiction entertainment. Learn more about the season premiere of Bounty Wars.
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